What does it mean to invest with Biblical Integrity?

Biblical Responsible Investing is a philosophy that embraces the need for real world results, here and now, without negating the eternal significance of our investments decisions. It is purposely choosing to invest without compromising one’s own moral beliefs.

Mark Minnella, president of Integrity Investors, LLC, shares insights and concepts of investing from a biblical world view perspective.

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What Matters in the End?

A Deeper Look

Investing with integrity means your money works to achieve both of these distinct yet highly compatible objectives. Your money can be put to work on achieving your personal financial objectives such as creating a secure and comfortable future for yourself, caring for and educating your family, and all important financial objective you may have while deliberately utilizing only investment products that are in alignment with your with your beliefs. A Biblically Responsible approach to investing helps your money perform both tasks without compromise…

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Investment Stewardship at Integrity Investors

“More than Money” – Episode 23

August 24th, 2015|Comments Off on “More than Money” – Episode 23

Are you Investing in Planned Parenthood? Upset that your tax dollars are being given to Planned Parenthood? What about the[...]

“More than Money” – Episode 22

August 19th, 2015|Comments Off on “More than Money” – Episode 22

People Are Trying to do it Right! Listen as Mark explores some of the[...]

“More than Money” – Episode 21

July 20th, 2015|Comments Off on “More than Money” – Episode 21

What happens when people do not have control in a situation? We get fearful, set off our normal pace and[...]

“More than Money” – Episode 20

April 28th, 2015|Comments Off on “More than Money” – Episode 20

Honoring God with your Investment Choices. It’s time to shine the light on Wall Street, by helping you make informed[...]